Smoke Signals (John Tall Wolf #4), by Joseph Flynn

Eight stars

Joseph Flynn produces the highest quality work when John Tall Wolf is front and centre. An essential part of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Tall Wolf finds himself on another adventure, this time with the love of his life. While John and Rebecca work at uncovering an illegal marijuana operation in a forested part of Washington State, they must also wait as John’s sometime nemesis

Makes her move towards the future. This pales compared to the Mexican gangsters keeping tabs on the region. Thrust into the wilderness and all that brings, John Tall Wolf will have to pull on all his resources to stay one step ahead of those who would do him harm. Flynn develops yet another strong piece that has all the elements of a stellar novel.

When John Tall Wolf learns that his boss, Marlene Flower Moon, has been nominated to become the next Secretary of the Interior, he has mixed emotions. Whole he pulled some strings, he is also bitter that she has been able to climb the career ladder so proficiently. However, her new post will also ensure that she is out of his hair.

John’s hopes are quickly dashed when Marlene reaches out with an assignment for him. John is sent to the Cascade Mountains in Washington State to look into an illegal

marijuana operation along the property of a multi-billionaire who is not only tapping into his First Nations heritage, but also has the attention of Secretary-elect Flower Moon. The silver lining is that John’s fiancée,

Rebecca, is able to join him on the trip, which makes it a little more bearable.

Frederic Strait’s land has been compromised, which has him quite upset. He’s also being played by Secretary-elect Flower Moon, who wants his vast coffers to fuel her own political ambitions that could send her to the White House. This makes for an interesting pair and, if the cliché is not too overused, odd bedfellows.

While John and Rebecca are exploring the land, she shares with him that she could lose her job with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for some rash behaviour. John wants to protect her, but must also ensure they make it out of the Cascades alive, as the fauna is tough and willing to take no prisoners.

All the while, a few sketchy characters emerge in the forested area—including a

Former Marine, some Mexican gangsters, and a player with ties to the CIA—making things a little more troubling for John and Rebecca. When violence seems all but assured, they will have to use their intuition and legal prowess, while staying alive and free from being the victims of a violent shootout. Flynn dazzles and keeps the reader hooked until the final page turn.

Joseph Flynn’s writing style remains top of my list as I devour all that he has to offer. He builds a solid story for the reader while connecting and tying the other series work into this one, including storylines, themes, and favourite characters. The narrative leads the way and leaves the reader to bask in the enjoyment as the story gains momentum. As mentioned before, characters pop up and are recognisable by Flynn fans who are used to some of his other series, with a special focus on John Tall Wolf and those in his inner circle. There is so much to take from this series and I cannot get through books fast enough. Flynn has me addicted and there are still a few books to go!

Plot development is something with which Joseph Flynn has always excelled, be it political or mystery books. This series possesses all the elements required to feel fully connected and I cannot wait to see coming next. Flynn blends the element of surprise with his own flavouring to keep the reader coming back. He won me over a while back and I cannot get enough of these novels now!

Kudos, Mr. Flynn, for a series that keeps getting better.