The Code of the Hills (Ozarks Mysteries #1), by Nancy Allen

Eight stars

After enjoying a number of collaborative efforts in which Nancy Allen was involved, I hoped to get a better feel for the author by exploring her own work. Allen has a great style for legal thrillers, which shines through with this series debut. She provides some strong themes as the reader finds themselves in the middle of the Missouri Ozarks, where the rules do not follow the mainstream. A young lawyer, a chilling crime, and a court case that puts all in perspective. Nancy Allen dazzles in this piece, where the reader is treated to the darkest of the dark!

The Missouri Ozarks are not always run on the same plain as other parts of the country, especially when it comes to the law. While the rural environ has secrets, some are more powerful than others. Young prosecutor Elsie Arnold is ready to pull the curtain back and reveal all the hidden truths, especially when they involve children. Elise is assigned to prosecute the case of a father who is accused of incest on his three girls, where the community is less than eager to share what they known. Trying not only to follow the law, but also to help those in the most need, Elsie will have to serve as the Ozark’s avenging angel , as best she can.

While the case appears to have some legs, Elise soon learns that it has more pitfalls that she could like. The star witness disappears into thin air, leaving the case to balance precariously. Then the girls stop cooperating, citing that their father was not being as violent as some might think. Finally, the girls’ mother seems less than interested in prosecuting while pushing her own motives. Elsie cannot make heads or tails of it, but will have to convince the court to lead the way as she tries to present the case.

Things get worse when a local extremist group seeks to protect the accused and bully Elise into leaving the case alone. Elsie cannot mind her business and let a sexual offender walk, but she also realises that the odds are stacked against her in a community where secrets are best left locked away. All the while, Elsie discovers that she cannot let three girls become victims and simply have the assaults swept under the rug because that’s what is done with too much regularity. Elise will have to fight with all she has, setting the tone and making sure justice does not turn the other cheek. Allen dazzles and keeps the reader in the driver’s seat throughout.

While my experience around Nancy Allen has solely been in a collaborative effort, taking the time to read her solo work has been quite intriguing. Allen has a firm handle on the legal thriller genre and has created a great series debut with this novel. The narrative delves deeply, not only into law, but also the seemingly backwards nature of the Ozarks. The reader can follow the details and get a sense as to how troubling things can become. While the topic is quite disturbing, Allen handled it in a professional manner, without glossing over things. The characters are quite well placed and developed, keeping the reader connected to the larger story. This adds another level to the story, which I hope continues throughout the series.

Plot points prove useful in this story, as the surprises are never-ending. Allen is able not only to advance the story with them, but the twists keep the reader on edge throughout the reading journey. Dealing with some highly controversial subject matter, the questionable nature of the story takes on a life of its own. I thoroughly enjoyed the surprises found throughout, at times left in shock. I am eager to see how the next book in the series plays out!

Kudos Madam Allen, for this chilling story that is sure to make waves.